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Next2App beta is released 🎉



Prepare design files

Create an app at App Store Connect

Fill the form

Upload build file with Transporter


After filling out the form and uploading the build file (.ipa), you can submit your app for review.

Fix and Submit

You’ll need to go through the review process, and often it takes several back-and-forth exchanges between you and Apple to get approved. Hang tight and keep your fingers crossed.



Prepare design files

Create an app at Google Play Console

Fill the form

Upload build file (.aab)

Unlike Apple, you can upload the build file (.aab) directly to Google Play Console. Be careful about versioning since you won’t be able to upload the same version multiple times.


After uploading the build file (.aab), you can submit your app for review.

Fix and Submit

Just like with Apple, you also need to go through the review process for Android. It’s less strict than Apple though. Follow their requirements and wait for them to approve your app.


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